SE TRATA DE UN APRTAMENTO DE 2 DORMITORIOS1 BAÑOSALONCOCINA INDEPENDIENTEJARDIN CON ACCEOSO A PISCINA COMUNITARIAPLAZA DE PARKING EN LA PUERTAEN EL PRECIO SE INCLUYE LA REFORMA TOTAL: SE ENTREGA A ESTRENAREN UNA D ELAS ZONAS MAS BONITAS Y TRISTICAS DE LA COSTA DEL SOLDENTRO DE UN RESORT DE LUJO CON TODAS LAS COMODIDIADES:9 RESTAURANTESUPERMERCADOSGYMNASIOPISCINASPADELTENISFUTBOLBALONCESTOCABALLOSETC.A 3 MINUTOS ANDANDO DE LA PLYAPERFECTO PARA VACACIONES DE DESCOEXION TOTALY PARA RENTABILIZAR ALQUILANDOLO CUANDO NO VASNO DUDES EN LLAMARNOS Y PEDIR MAS INFORMACIONESASÍ COMO UNA VISITA PERSONALIZADADISPONIBLES VAIAS UNIDADESThe apartments are freshly renovated, fully furnished, and equipped at high international standards. *2 min walk to the beach. 10 min walk to the centre of Fuengirola. *Current prices assure capital growth, in the context of an acute shortage of quality properties available for sale.*Reliable property management and excellent hotel facilities and services. *Swimming pool heated, fitness center, tennis court, etc- *Multi-restaurant resort catering for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, mini market, and nearby medical facilities. *Reception is open 24 hours with concierge service for guests. *Free resort road train dont exitate to ask and visit without commitment
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